
3. Strategy
a. Vision statement
To invest today in afforestation, and help generations in the future breathe easily…
b. Mission statement
We are leaders on all kinds of forest works, designing and implementing forest projects, like afforestation and afforestation plans.

4. Business concept

Business concept
This business tries to be the best on forest projects and afforestation plan and implementation.
Why is “Lurimi” company successful?
“Lurimi” Company, as the most specialized and with the most experience in afforestation works and projects, has had very good results in this direction.
Having realized some afforestation objects as of the company establishment, it has build experience and professionalism.
This will be the most successful quotation for the following convincing reasons:
1. The Company has one of the most successful technical staff in the country
2. The company has realized afforestation works in dozens of objects in the entire country starting from Gjirokaster, Fier, Diber, Bulqize and Mat.
3. It has the most qualified staff in the field of afforestation
4. It provides the raw material (seedlings) for afforestation
5. It has seed plots with types registered at the National Licensing Center (NLC) and the relevant environmental permit
6. It has the necessary equipments and infrastructure
7. The company is certified with quality certificates such as ISO 9001;14001 and 18001.
8. It has an ensured workforce which is certified for afforestation.
9. The company will offer the most acceptable and reliable economic quotation for the realization of afforestation contracts.

5. Management & Ownership
a. Management structure
b. Directors
• Legal Director CV/Administrator Mr. Pellumb Pjetri (CV attached below)
• Technical Director CV Mr. Lutfi Miftari (CV attached below)

c. Accountants
Grisilda Miftari (CV attached below)
d. Lawyer
Mrs. Vojsava Miftari (CV attached below)

6. Current projects plans.
– Improving the forest surface by debris as a result of establishing the fire in the national Park “Lura”.


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