Company History-old

2. Introduction
Company History

“Lurimi” shpk is established on 7th January, 1995, in Burrel, Mat.


Its legal form is Limited Liability Company. In the field of construction, production and marketing of timber, design and use of forests, marketing of various items. Wholesale and retail of various industrial items in any field such as construction, education, health, army, consumption and different services in the field treated above; different machineries and equipments for such fields.

In the field of construction such as soil works, systematization, terrain terraces, private and public constructions, water supply and sewerage construction, reconstruction of private and public facilities, fasade dressing, maintenance and development of decoration in urban environments, drainage works construction, soil watering and watering plants, road construction, asphalt-concrete layering of roads, construction and overlayers, construction of high and mid tension power lines, construction of power substations, power cabins, studies and design of forest works.

Design of plans for the management of forests, spontaneous flora, sport, tourism and pasture hunting; design of afforestation projects; design of forest treatment projects.Design of projects for the sustainable use of forests.Design of projects for the management of basins; study of access and construction of forest roads; phytopathological, enthopological and fire studies for forests; study of territory use management; study of forest genetic reserves and biodiversity, ecosystem of protected areas, national parks and natural reserves ecosystem; development of projects in rural areas; implementation of forest works; afforestation (seedlings, gathering and treatment of forest seeds, preparatory works and seedling planting); improvement of forests (recutting and preparatory treatment and planting of seedlings); sustainable use of forests; mountainous systems; sustainable harvesting of forest production, timber and spontaneous, medical and tanifere flora; exercise of sport and tourism hunting of wild fauna; protection from diseases, natural damaging agents and fires; works in pastures, valleys, and construction and repair of works for ensuring potable water in pastures and valleys; maintenance, repair and service for photocopies, printers, and computers; computer network installment, software installment;scan0046

In the field of power, production, distribution and trade of electric power; Systems of heat and complete steam production plants, etc.; systems of air conditioning and treatment plants; import, export, production, distribution and trade of food, industrial, textile items, various furniture for each sector, public and private in general, house appliances, office supply both wholesale and retail, raw material, semi-ready or ready products; Import, export and trade and supply with different items for lab equipments for the health, industrial sectors, etc;

Production, packaging, and trade in any form of mineral water, sweet juices, fresh drinks, alcoholic drinks, similar production and production, trade and distribution of packaging in any form; purchase, sale or renting of real estate such as dwellings, construction lands, etc, through establishment of relevant offices which will exercise this type of activity; activity for providing technical consultancy in different fields related to the object of activity of the company; exercises the activity of representation, mediation, or making contracts between different private or public entities, be those foreign or domestic; participate within the limits provided for by the Albanian legislation, excluding any speculative purpose, in profits and/or in other companies of Albanian law or foreign law, as well as establish other commercial companies with persons and public or private entities, be those foreign or domestic; car wash and car service, trade of medicinal plants, trade of chemical fertilizer, opening and use of hotels, motels, bar-restaurants, printing, telephone services, passenger and goods transport; trade of chalk, didactic and lab equipments for schools, clothing, office furniture, trade of electric and hydraulic materials, conditioners, production and trade of furniture, trade of different construction items, trade of computers and phonic systems as well as relevant services; trade, production and import of detergents, chlorine and plastic and cleaning materials; supply and mounting of curtains for offices.